Monday, January 25, 2016


A New Year!

This year I am loaded with a lot of projects!
This last year have been so interesting and I have learned a lot!

I mellan jobb och utställningar har jag lärt mig massor..

Jag har tagit massor av kurser i Lightroom och Illustrator samt gått min fotoutbildning på MRU och avslutat två tuffa kurser på Design Garden i trender mm, jag skall presentera lite här på min blogg..

Now I am taking classes online in Drawing fonts and words at Skillshare and at Sketchbook School. Next week my Design Class starts again..

But first I want to show you som small drawing and watercolour project I have.

The first little project is "FLOWERS IN MY WINDOW" small sketches in watercolour in a sketchbook "a one week projekt" generating a lot more like pattern and decor element.

So I start here..

Is start this in the color BLUE!